With the support of the Royal Government of Sweden, Makerere University continues to address its research capacity challenges through training and impact oriented research.
The Doctoral training in Advanced Research Methods was conducted from 10th - 21st July, 2017 aimed at equipping doctoral students with knowledge and skills of frameworks, processes and approaches for designing a qualitative or quantitative research study in the natural and social sciences. This course, therefore, offers a unique blend of qualitative and quantitative approaches in the research process.

Despite the discipline-specific research trainings in the different Colleges, over 100 PhD students from 9 regional Universities and one from Institute of Technology, Cairo enrolled for the training.

This is a foundation course that provides sufficient information and knowledge to enable students acquire the skills to formulate a relevant research problem, make an educated choice of method(s), implement this/these method(s) and finally write a scientific report about the findings or results.