The Swedish research collaboration with Uganda was initiated in 2000 with the objective of promoting research and research training and to develop sustainable institutional capacity in an effort to strengthen higher education and an autonomous university system within the framework of National policies and plans. The current cooperation agrement period (2015 – 2020) is being implemented by five partner Ugandan public Universities including Makerere University, Kyambogo University, Busitema University, Gulu University and Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
The Directorate of Research and Graduate Training, Makerere University now invites applications for the competitive small research grants (10 Grants) in any discipline for the year 2018. The grant will last for 6 months and supports smaller scale or pilot research projects that have budgets of UGX 15,000,000 or less (Max. Uganda Shillion Fifteen million Only).
The eligibility requirements include:
Acceptable expenses are those normally associated with research: data collection, analysis, report writing, computing costs; field travel to observatories, but not travel to Conferences; and publication page charges. Please note that requests to fund publication page charges should be made only when papers are written and ready for publication, or in the publication pipeline (submitted or accepted), or already published.
One copy of the complete Concept Note, including:
Within 6 months of receiving a Small Research Grant, the successful applicant must submit a final report to the Directorate of Research and Graduate Training on his or her project or, with justification, and copy of publication(s) resulting from the project.
You can take a look at the Past Events