Capacity building of librarians through graduate training and research is one of the five components of the project: ‘The information support for quality higher education and research in Uganda’. This project is one of the 17 others that have received funding from Sida as part of the 5-year Cooperation Agreement (2015 -2020). The Capacity building of librarians through graduate training and research component will be implemented by Makerere University Library in partnership with the Swedish KTH Library. The objective of this component is to improve library development through graduate training and research by librarians from Makerere University and the partner public universities in Uganda, namely Gulu University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Kyambogo University and Busitema University. Funding is available for two (2) Masters Scholarships to 2 Masters students. Applications for 2 Masters Scholarships are therefore invited from qualified candidates for Masters of Science in Information Science tenable at Makerere University Uganda, starting with Academic year 2018/2019.
Electronic submission of application for scholarship with supporting documents should be sent to the Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training, Makerere University; Email:; Copy to:;
Hard copies should be addressed to the Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training, Makerere University P.O.BOX 7062 Kampala, Senate Building Level Four, Room 410.
Application deadline is Friday, 13th April, 2018.
Funding is available only up to June 2020.
Dr. Helen M. Byamugisha,
Main Library, Makerere University
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