This research training partnership proposal is for Sida IV support submitted by the School of Social Sciences in collaboration with the School of Gender in Makerere University, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and the School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg in Sweden.
The partnership is built on an already existing relationship between the institutions and will strengthen the benefits already accrued there from. The aim of the proposal is to strengthen social science research in the national development process through graduate training, research and partnership building activities in the period 2015-20.
This project will train 8 PhDs (6 local and 2 sandwich) out of eight PhD students, two will be from other PPUs, 12 Masters (6 Mak and 6 other PPUs) and 5 postdoc research fellows (1 PPU). Beneficiaries will be drawn from the staff of three Public Universities: Makerere, Kyambogo and Mbarara. The outcomes of the research training partnership will include increased use of social science research outputs in national development and teaching, stronger and larger teams of PhD holders able to supervise graduate training in the country, and more capacity to attract research funding.