The Directorate of Research and Graduate Training has coordinated the Makerere-Sida bilateral research program since inception in 2000. This program has been by far the largest research support in the history of the University.
Significant progress has been achieved in a number of areas. During the successor phase (2015-2020), the Sida support will be focused towards improving coordination and management of the bilateral research program; enhancing the skills of PhD and postdoc students for quality scholarship through cross-cutting courses, training in research management, leadership and financial management, and mentorship; improving the graduate training and research processes; improving dissemination and translation of research outputs; supporting the University reforms; supporting PhD and post-doctoral training through a university-wide fund.
Fifty (50) PhD and 100 Masters Students in partner public universities and 30 postdoctoral projects (5 for PPUs) will continue be supported through competitive selection following an open call for applications/proposals. Support is also sought towards developing synergies and collaborations across Sida supported initiatives in the region.